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Roma children in a makeshift camp in Kraljevo. ..Romas children do not receive the same attention as the other IDPs children: they do not go to school and they do not receive any assistance as far as health is concerned. Because the families did not have documents, they could not be registered officially as IDPs...During the summer1999, over 245,000 Serbs and Roms fled to Serbia and Montenegro from or within Kosovo in fear of reprisals from the majority Albanian population, after NATO air strikes had forced the withdrawal of Yugoslav. In 2003, less than 2% of them had returned and a large number of these internally displaced persons (IDPs) were still living in camps in very difficult conditions..In addition, around 5,000 IDPs, mainly of Roma ethnicity, are living in unrecognized collective centres, makeshift huts, corrugated metal containers and other substandard shelters. .This work was meant to look at how the life of children and young adults is affected by the fact that they are IDPs. I asked myself more specifically what would be different for these children/young adults from the 'normal' people of their age as far as education, health, social life, family, 'love' life and leisure are concerned. ..Enfants roms dans un camp improvisé de Kraljevo. Les enfants roms ne vont pas à l'école et ne reçoivent aucune assistance médicale. Faute de papiers d'identité, ils n'ont pu être officiellement enregistrés en tant qu'IDP...Pendant l'été 1999, plus de 245 000 serbes et roms ont fuit le Kosovo pour chercher refuge en Serbie ou au Montenegro, par peur de représailles de la part de la majorité de la population albanaise après que les forces de l'OTAN aient forcé l'armée yougoslave à se retirer. En 2003, moins de 2% d'entre eux étaient rentrés chez eux et le plus grand nombre de ces 'déplacés' (IDPs) vivaient encore dans des centres d'accueil dans des conditions très difficiles..Environ 5 000 IDPs, la plupart romas, vivent dans des centres non reconnus faits de containers
- Copyright
- Agnes Montanari
- Image Size
- 2126x1454 / 1.3MB
- Contained in galleries
- Displaced lives